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  • dedicated to CFD projects
  • small specialised team
  • use of simerics software
  • focused on our expertise where we can bring added value to our clients
  • process analysis
  • turbomachine upgrade
  • turbomachine design, prototyping and testing

Our Expertise

process analysis

Best practice industry rules are applied to an extended variety of processes and process equipment, most of them custom designs, which leaves margin for improvement based on in depth analysis by means of numerical simulation.
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Turbomachines upgrade

Design of turbomachines has been based mainly on a set of well-established design methods mixed with experience based coefficients. The detailed understanding of the inherently unstable flow in turbomachines is possible with numerical simulations and is the basis for an improved design. see www.turbotec.be
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Turbomachines design, prototyping and testing

The finite element method or finite element analysis is used to assess the displacement, deformation and stress or temperature distribution in mechanical structures, parts or machines.
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